Adventure writing
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From having an elephant stick its trunk in her junk to a dog trying to mate with a Hindu goddess who is apparently living on her back, Cimeron's travel stories will take you on an adventure.
Please click on the articles below to read a few samples of Cimeron's travel stories.
Not Without My Vanilla, Islands Magazine
Virgin Vietnam, Kiteboarding Magazine
Eat, Pray, Love and Buy New Teeth, Islands Magazine
Spirit of Sumbawa, Islands Magazine - Cimeron's online magazine about expat life in Malaysia and travel in Southeast Asia
To see writing samples, please view this site on a desktop computer. (Sorry - Weebly is having problems with mobile conversion).
From having an elephant stick its trunk in her junk to a dog trying to mate with a Hindu goddess who is apparently living on her back, Cimeron's travel stories will take you on an adventure.
Please click on the articles below to read a few samples of Cimeron's travel stories.
Not Without My Vanilla, Islands Magazine
Virgin Vietnam, Kiteboarding Magazine
Eat, Pray, Love and Buy New Teeth, Islands Magazine
Spirit of Sumbawa, Islands Magazine - Cimeron's online magazine about expat life in Malaysia and travel in Southeast Asia